
TheSkyX Pro X2 Weather PlugIns

These PlugIns are multi platform : macOS, Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) and Raspberry PI.

As it's hard to get access to the real hardware, I'll give priority to whichever vendor is willing to help. If you own a filter wheel and want macOS or Linux support for TheSkyX Pro, let me know which one. If I can get the protocol documentation, I will try to write a X2 PlugIn for it.

Current PlugIns :

If you want to support the development, you can donate or lend hardware, or donate via PayPal so that I can acquire the hardware myself:

Contact info :

How to access the settings dialog in TheSkyX :

This applies to all my PlugIns

Click on the picture for a large view

Solo Cloudwatcher :

The Solo Cloudwatcher can be found on Lunatico Astro's website.

Usage :

The settings dialog allow you to set IP address of the Solo Cloudwatcher. This need to be done once before connecting.

Downloads :

The PlugIns and the sources are available below. For the macOS package, remember to set your "Allow apps downloaded from:" settings in the "Security & Privacy" system preferences to "Mac App Store and identified developers".

Current version : 1.20

This zip file contains the macOS installable pkg : Solo Cloudwatcher Weather X2 PlugIn for macOS

The Windows 32 and 64 bits installer file : Solo Cloudwatcher Weather X2 PlugIn for Windows.

The ARM 32-bit tgz (Raspberry-Pi and other ARM 32-bit sbc) file contains the needed files and install script : Solo Cloudwatcher Weather X2 PlugIn for ARM 32.

The ARM 64-bit tgz (Raspberry-Pi, Fusion and other ARM 64-bit sbc) file contains the needed files to install it : Solo Cloudwatcher Weather X2 PlugIn for ARM 64 / TheSky Fusion.

The Linux Ubuntu tgz file contains the needed files to install it : Solo Cloudwatcher Weather X2 PlugIn for Ubuntu.

The PlugIn source code is available on GitHub : Solo Cloudwatcher Weather X2 PlugIn sources. To compile the PlugIn yourself, you'll need the X2 Example code from Software Bisque. This is not required if you only want to install the PlugIn.

Clarity II Plus :

The Clarity II Plus X2 plugin can read weather file in the Clarity II format.

Usage :

The settings dialog allows you to point the plugin at a local or remote (over a network share) Clarity II file.

This plugins also support an extension of the Clarity II format where the local SQM is added to the standard one line record.

For macOS user, this is already supported by Richard Francis' CloudWatcher v4 application.

The Lunatico Astronomia AAG Cloudwatcher software can output such a file including the SQM extension.

You can also use the shared file of the Lunatico Astronomia CloudWatcher Solo (similar to any file shared on a network) once mounted localy on your machine.

You can of course get the file from the Diffraction Limited Boltwood Cloud Sensor application.

Downloads :

The PlugIns and the sources are available below. For the macOS package, remember to set your "Allow apps downloaded from:" settings in the "Security & Privacy" system preferences to "Mac App Store and identified developers".

Current version : 1.05

This zip file contains the macOS installable pkg : ClarityIIPlus X2 PlugIn for macOS

The Windows 32 and 64 bits installer file : ClarityIIPlus X2 PlugIn for Windows.

The ARM 32-bit tgz (Raspberry-Pi and other ARM 32-bit sbc) file contains the needed files and install script : ClarityIIPlus X2 PlugIn for ARM 32.

The ARM 64-bit tgz (Raspberry-Pi, Fusion and other ARM 64-bit sbc) file contains the needed files to install it : ClarityIIPlus X2 PlugIn for ARM 64 / TheSky Fusion.

The Linux Ubuntu tgz file contains the needed files to install it : ClarityIIPlusr X2 PlugIn for Ubuntu.

The PlugIn source code is available on GitHub : ClarityIIPlus X2 PlugIn sources. To compile the PlugIn yourself, you'll need the X2 Example code from Software Bisque. This is not required if you only want to install the PlugIn.

PrimaLuceLab Eagle series environment sensors :

The PrimaLuceLab Eagle can be found on their website.

Usage :

The settings dialog only shows data. This plugin reports the available enviroment data to TheSkyX.

Downloads :

The PlugIns is of course only vailable for Windows as this requires you to run TheSkyX on the Eagle

Current version : 1.00

The Windows 32 and 64 bits installer file : PrimaLuceLab Eagle series Weather X2 PlugIn for Windows.

The PlugIn source code is available on GitHub : Eagle Weather X2 PlugIn sources. To compile the PlugIn yourself, you'll need the X2 Example code from Software Bisque. This is not required if you only want to install the PlugIn.

Davis WeatherLink Live :

The Davis WeatherLink Live can be found on their website.

This plugin has been tested with a Davis station connected to a WeatherLink Live at a remote site.

Usage :

The settings dialog allow you to set IP address of the WeatherLink Live and port to connect to (default port is 80).

Downloads :

The PlugIns and the sources are available below. For the macOS package, remember to set your "Allow apps downloaded from:" settings in the "Security & Privacy" system preferences to "Mac App Store and identified developers".

Current version : 1.10

This zip file contains the macOS installable pkg : WeatherLink Live Weather X2 PlugIn for macOS

The Windows 32 and 64 bits installer file : WeatherLink Live Weather X2 PlugIn for Windows.

The ARM 32-bit tgz (Raspberry-Pi and other ARM 32-bit sbc) file contains the needed files and install script : WeatherLink Live Weather X2 PlugIn for ARM 32.

The ARM 64-bit tgz (Raspberry-Pi, Fusion and other ARM 64-bit sbc) file contains the needed files to install it : WeatherLink Live Weather X2 PlugIn for ARM 64 / TheSky Fusion.

The Linux Ubuntu tgz file contains the needed files to install it : WeatherLink Live Weather X2 PlugIn for Ubuntu.

The PlugIn source code is available on GitHub : WeatherLink Live Weather X2 PlugIn sources. To compile the PlugIn yourself, you'll need the X2 Example code from Software Bisque. This is not required if you only want to install the PlugIn.

Big thanks to SkiesAway Remote Observatories for giving me access to their WeatherLink Live to develop the plugin.

'TheSkyX' is a registered Trademarks of Software Bisque, Inc.

All pictures and/or material on this page is the property of Rodolphe Pineau. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.